If you are planning a vacation stick to

If you are planning a vacation stick to your plans.
I have a few people that have expressed concerns because of our current situation. Let me share some insights
1. You are not traveling to the middle east
2. You are probably safer in Europe than you are in the states
3. Mexico will not comprise itโ€™s number one source of income of tourism
4. Live your life. Not in fear. If itโ€™s going to happen itโ€™s going to happen whether you Travel or not
5. Itโ€™s a huge world. Many destinations to travel to
6. Call a travel professional. Peace of mind. We are always there for our clients. 24/7. Serenitea Travel & Events…www.sereniteatravel.com http://ow.ly/i/rvmOI

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