Fundraising Travel

Who says you canโ€™t have fun while helping a good cause? When you sign up for our fundraising travel program your non profit organization has three options-

  1. We will work with your organization to create an individual or group cruise packages that Serenitea Travel & Events sells and you receive a portion of the proceeds. You will help us promote it and together we will raise money for your organization via a fun filled cruise.
  2. We can coordinate an individual or group all-inclusive vacation packages that we partner together on and just like the cruise; we will give you a portion of the proceeds.
  3. Finally, if you would prefer to work out a referral fundraiser instead of an organized trip we can set that up as well. The way this works is for every referral you send to Serenitea Travel & Events we will give you a portion of the commission for whatever travel package the referred client purchases. Unlike the cruise and all-inclusive package option these commissions can vary.

For all fundraiser travel programs commissions are only paid upon final receipt of the total travel purchase price. Want to learn more about our Fundraising Travel options? Please contact us. ย Weโ€™d love to chat with you!