Incentive Travel

Incentive Travel with Serenitea Travel & Events


Imagine for a moment that your sales team is excited to come to work. They actively work towards their sales quotas and can’t wait to see their numbers go up. It’s not only possible; it’s becoming easier than ever to almost effortlessly encourage employees to bring more money into your company. How? By making their travel dreams come true! I’m talking about incentive travel. The way that it works is you sign up for our incentive program and as your employees meet the goals you set up for them they earn travel vouchers. The best part? If they don’t earn it, the incentive program costs you nothing! Why? Because only once they earn the trip do you have to pay for it! Therefore, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Want to learn more about our incentive travel program?


Call or E-mail Serenitea Travel & Events today at (866) 937-5551 and let’s get your team motivated to bring your company bigger sales than ever before!