Galápagos Islands 🇸🇱


Group rates are also available.




Your flight to Galapagos departs between 6:00 & 9:00AM. You need to be 2 hours in advance at the airport for your check in as well as for the inspection of the Sicgal and payment of the transit Control Card before your check-in. Arrival in Galapagos after a 3 hours’ flights (with one stop in Guayaquil). Before your Meeting with your guide you have to pay for your entrance fee to the islands ($100 per person, in cash). Outside the airport a representative of EQ Touring will be waiting for you.


Outside the airport a representative of EQ Touring will be waiting for you to take to  the Santa Cruz Island, where you will visit the highlands of the island, here you can admire the giant tortoises in their natural state, see the lava tunnels and enjoy a delicious lunch at one of its haciendas. Check-in at the hotel (first class hotel) (L,D)



After breakfast we transfer you to the dock, where we board the boat that will transport you to Isabela Island (about 2 hour’s navigation). Upon arrival our staff will take you to your hotel and walk around of Puerto Villamil.  After lunch we will visit Las Tintoreras.

On this tour you may find yourself staring at Penguins or face-to-face with Sea Lions, one of the most playful and delightful Galapagos natives. The emerald waters of Las Tintoreras abound

with marine life including the internationally renowned Galapagos Penguins and Blue-Footed

Boobies. Sea Turtles are also common residents of this area. A brief walking tour across A’A’ lava flows to “Las Tintoreras” provides additional up-close encounters with Marine Iguanas, resting White Tip Sharks, and new-born Sea Lions. An open water snorkel in the bay completes this very popular marine adventure. Return to your hotel for dinner and overnight.  Frist class hotel.




In the morning after breakfast we transfer to the dock to take our tour of the Isabela tunnels. Embark by boat with a local guide to one of the most astonishing snorkeling locations in the Galapagos Islands. A series of lava flows have created hundreds of arches and tunnels, both above and below the water. The striking geological formations are outdone only by the extraordinary collection of creatures that call this place home. You will be able to swim in clear waters with colorful fishes, sea lions, sea turtles, eagle rays, lobsters, Sea Snakes and other marvelous species. The treacherous maritime entry into this maze of lava passages is not always possible, so it’s best to visit between January and May. A healthy box lunch will be served. Afterwards you will be transferred to the hotel and have some time free in the afternoon to enjoy the beach.




Early in the morning transfer to the pier to take the speed boat to Santa Cruz Island (Puerto Ayora), upon arrival your guide will take you for breakfast and later on we will visit the Fausto Llerena breeding center located within the Charles Darwin Station and the area of Galapagos National Park.

As its name suggests, it is a rescue and breeding center of giant tortoises originating from different islands of the Galapagos as Española, Santiago, Santa Cruz, among others. During the visit we can see baby, middle age and old tortoises (believed to be over one hundred years old).

After lunch we will visit Tortuga Bay, one of the largest and most beautiful white sand beaches that you can visit in Galapagos, here you can see iguanas and turtles. It is also a great place for

swimming, kayaking or just walking. After visiting this gorgeous spot we will return to the hotel. (B,L,D)



(This day, depending on availability you will visit any of the following islands)

Bartolomé – Daily Tour

Located two hours north of Santa Cruz by boat, Bartolome Island is home to some of the most breathtaking panoramas in the Galapagos Islands. This tour provides a great opportunity to view striking volcanic rock formations in shades of shimmering black, red, and green. From the summit of the hike, enjoy one of the most recognized landmarks in the Galapagos Islands – Pinnacle Rock, an impressive monolithic lava structure that towers high above the azure sea. Descend from the peak for a close up look at Pinnacle Rock and the astonishing array of wildlife that calls this island home. Galapagos Penguins, friendly Sea Lions, Sea Turtles and a huge variety of fish make this a fantastic snorkeling spot for nature enthusiasts. As you walk along the spectacular  crescent  shaped  pink  and  white  sand  beach,  you’ll  follow  the  footsteps  of generations of green Sea Turtles who return each year to lay eggs at their ancestral home. The relaxing cruise back to Santa Cruz Island is ideal for taking in the surround seascapes.

Plazas – Daily Tour

A tour to South Plaza Island puts you face to face with Sea Lion pups, Land Iguanas, Sally Lightfoot Crabs, and various nesting sea birds. South Plaza Island is half of a pair of islets off the east coast of Santa Cruz. The channel between the two islets provides the perfect haven for California Sea Lion pups. In fact, South Plaza has one of the largest Sea Lion colonies in the entire Galapagos Archipelago. Often you can see bulls defending their harems in the azure waters of the channel. On land, you can see Red and Yellow Land Iguanas, Swallow-tailed Gulls, Red-Billed Tropicbirds, Audubon’s Shearwaters, Frigate Birds, Nazca and Blue-footed Boobies. On the return cruise you will stop for a snorkel just outside of the Itabaca Canal, a refreshing way to end this interesting day tour.

Seymour – Daily Tour

North Seymour Island is a natural haven for some of the most sought after residents in the Galapagos Islands, the Blue-Footed Boobie. A nature trail meanders leisurely through large colonies of nesting Frigate birds and Blue-Footed Boobies. Depending on the time of year, this is an excellent place to witness the thrilling mating rituals these birds are famous for. You can also intimately observe the fascinating dynamics between a mother and its chick. Just off shore you can often witness the original Galapagos surf club members, Sea Lions riding the crashing waves all the way into shore. This tour also stops at isolated Bachas beach for a refreshing snorkel in the tepid waters. A side trip to a small lagoon provides an opportunity to see feeding Flamingos. Due to its teaming wildlife and close proximity, North Seymour is one of the most popular day tours from Santa Cruz and is not to be missed!


Early in the morning after breakfast transfer to the airport making a short stop over twin craters on the way back to the airport. Finally, you will be assisted by your guide to take your flight back to the mainland.  (B)

·    5 nights’ accommodation

·    Meals mentioned

·    Fluvial and land transportation in the islands

·    Transfers (in and out)

·    Certified English speaking Naturalist

Guide (English)

·    Visits and excursions according to the itinerary

·    Ticket payment for crossing the

Channel Itabaca (in and out)

·    Payment for water taxis GPS –


·    Payment for Isabela municipal tax (5 USD)

·    Snorkeling equipment (mask and snorkel)

·    Assistance in all activities by the staff of EQ Touring

·     Air ticket Quito – GPS – Quito

$530 (subject to change)

·     Entrance fee to the Galapagos

National Park $100

·     Transit Control Card $20

·     Beverages

·     Tips

·     Personal expenses


  • All services are private, except for navigable services.
  • Food detail. B: breakfast L: lunch D: dinner BL: box lunch